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About Us

The Harlan Honor Guard was established in 2004. We are a group of volunteer honorably discharged veterans. We are a registered non-profit incorporated veterans group.


We formed the group because the active military no longer had

enough personnel due to war commitments. We wanted to make sure that our vets were provided with dignified and full military honors as a last tribute for their service to our country.


The Harlan Honor Guard is a independent organization made up of all members of the military services. We operate solely on contributions from the public and local government.

We are proud and honored to provide burial service to every

deserving veteran.

Our Mission

The Harlan Honor Guard exists for honor, comfort, and the security of the respect and love of our veterans. We are established for many purposes:


- For God and Country

- To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America

- To safeguard the principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy

- To Honor and Preserve the memory of America’s fallen

- To give comfort to their families

- To be devoted to the mutual helpfulness of our fellow veterans


*To learn more about our organization, including Purpose, Membership, Meetings, Rights and Duties, Voting and Proxies, Conduct and Behavior, etc. please view our By Laws.

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